Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning udvikler i samarbejde med pædagoger, lærere, forskere og andre viden om literacy til gavn for den enkelte og samfundet.

Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning
Humletorvet 3
1799 København V
+45 41 89 90 90

EAN 5798009882882
CVR 30891732

Konferencer og seminarer

Kursusdag med professor Victoria Joffe, Aarhus

Audiologopædisk Forening inviterer til en kursusdag med professor Victoria Joffe med fokus på sproglige vanskeligheder hos skolebørn.

Kurset har titlen "Enhancing language and communication of older children and young people with speech, language and communication needs" og vil blive holdt på engelsk af professor Victoria Joffe, Division of Language and Communication Science, School of Health Sciences, City University London, UK.

Workshoppen vil fokusere på:

  • Language development and language breakdown in secondary school-age children (11-16 years)
  • The demands of secondary school on language and communication
  • Longitudinal outcomes of early language disorder: academic, emotional, psychosocial
  • A critical evaluation and overview of current research and practice in the secondary school context
  • New ways forward in the assessment and management of language impairment with secondary school-aged students
  • Evidence-based vocabulary and narrative interventions for older children
  • Future implications and directions for research and practice
  • Questions and group discussion.

Kursusdagen afholdes også i København den 22. november 2019.

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